I have been terrified of all the warnings I read about keeping stuffed animals and blankets out of the crib. She was having a hard time sleeping on Sunday so I let her have her favorite monkey blankey, intending to pull it out of the crib once she fell asleep.
Well, I fell asleep before I removed the blankey. I woke with a jolt, thinking, “ohmygod! Did my baby die of SIDS?” I ran to the crib, and there she was sleeping peacefully. She slept nearly six hours straight! She hasn’t done that since I went back to work.
I consulted other moms at work about monkey blankey, and they all agreed she should sleep with it if it gives her comfort.
Last night I tucked her in with monkey blankey around 8:30, and then she woke up briefly at 12:30. I put monkey blankey in her hand and she went right back to sleep. She slept through until 5:15. A miracle!
Keep your fingers crossed that monkey blankey continues to work his miracles.
Now, if only I could be disciplined enough to go to bed by 10:00. I might just possibly get caught up on sleep.