Catching Up

On April 18, 2009, in Family, Kid, Kitties, by Wendy

Grandma Judy was here for a brief visit recently. She just acquired a baby grand piano and has been playing around trying to teach herself how to play. She was showing some of the new chords she learned.

Grandma Judy and Isadora playing keyboards

If you see Isadora sitting still somewhere, there is sure to be a Kirby Cat nearby.

Breakfast with Kirby and Isadora

He really does seem to like her. She’s much more mobile now so she’ll crawl over to him and pet. My mantra to her when she does is: Pet nice. Open hand. Head to tail. It seems to be working somewhat. She’s mostly gentle with him. Every once in a while she’ll grab a handful of skin and fur or some whiskers and give a good yank. And what does Kirby do? He purrs. He doesn’t really like it, but he has never lashed out at her.

Izzy is getting really good at clapping. It looks as if she is very proud of herself for riding the car. She doesn’t know how to propel it yet. She’s just happy to be sitting on it.

Clapping while driving

Can you find the baby?


Izzy is obsessed with teeth. She loves to stick her fingers in your mouth and feel them. Mitch thinks this is the cutest thing ever, and let’s her do it. I don’t want him to encourage it because she doesn’t know the difference between sticking fingers in daddy’s mouth or someone else’s and get their cooties. Also, it’s just plain rude.

Is she going to grow up and be a dentist?

She likes to feel her own teeth too. She currently has three, and her new nickname is Jack O Lantern.

I has teefs

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