I’m looking forward to the day when Izzy is big enough to ride a bike. We’ll probably start with a Kettler Tricycle. I like the Kettler Air Navigator. It features a parent control handle bar for guidance when the kids are younger. It can be removed later when riding skills are a bit more refined. I especially love the rear basket for carrying stuff. The trike grows with the kidlet and is appropriate for ages 18 months to 5 years.
When she gets a little older and is ready for a big girl bike, and can ride along with me, I’m going to get myself an Electra Bike.
Behold the Balloon 3i:
and the Holiday 3i:
I LOVE the color of the Balloon 3i, but I’m leaning towards the Holiday 3i because of the front rack.
We’ll pick up the Original 3i from their Amsterdam collection for Mitch. I’m pretty sure he’ll like this model.
I can just picture us now, loading our bikes up on the rack on the Prius and driving out to Golden Gate Park to ride bikes. We’ll bring a picnic lunch with us and peddle until we find a nice little meadow to hang out and eat. We’ll swing by the lakes and feed day old bread to the water fowl before peddling back to the car and head for home.