Isadora is getting really good at Tummy Time. Even Murky is impressed, and Murky is hardly ever impressed. Video footage courtesy of Daddy.

Sleeping Izzy
This week, Isadora learned how to grab things. She loves hanging on to stuff up to a point. She hasn’t quite figured out how to let something go when she no longer wants to hold it, so she gets really mad when she realizes that something is still in her hand.
She’s getting really good at scooting around while lying on her back on the play mat. Yesterday, I found her lying on her side, crammed up against her mirror. She was licking it, her new favorite pastime.
She’s also very close to rolling over. I expect that I will report that milestone some time in the next week or two.
She fell asleep last night around 9:30 and slept solidly until 7:45 this morning. I went to bed at 10:30 and slept just as fabulously.
Izzy was particularly fussy this evening. I couldn’t quite figure it out. She didn’t seem hungry. I thought she might have been tired, but wouldn’t take a nap. I thought she was hot, so I stripped her down to her diaper. She whined the entire time I was trying to cook dinner. I put her in the bouncy chair. Whine. I put her in the swing. Whine. I put her on the play mat. Whine. Finally, when dinner was ready, I cut up my food so I could easily eat with one hand and hold Izzy with my other arm so I could feed her while I fed myself. She just wasn’t hungry, but the whining finally stopped! All she wanted was to be cuddled. She looked up at me and smiled and giggled and smiled some more. Then, when she couldn’t possibly be any cuter, she reached up with her arm and stroked my cheek. I thought my heart was going to explode. It was so awesome. When Mitch finished eating, he took her from me so I could finish my meal–it’s really hard to each couscous while holding a squirmy baby. As soon as Mitch cradled Izzy in her arms, she reached up and stroked his beard, then grabbed his nose. It was a beautiful sight.
Today, Izzy grabbed her 25 cent Ikea Fish rattle with her left hand–completely unassisted! She was shaking it and putting it close to her mouth so she can lick it. It’s been several minutes and she’s still hanging on to it.
You’re three months old today, and I can hardly believe it. You have grown up so much over these past twelve weeks and I’m completely amazed by how you’ve changed. You’re sleeping through the night now (hallelujah!), and that lets me sleep through the night. You drool constantly, but are getting much better about holding your head up high, which is a good thing as you revealed the icky rash you have in your neck folds today. Fortunately, it started to clear up as soon as I washed and dried the area. You smile and giggle at yourself in the mirror, and I love that trick so much that I put you in front of the mirror every day, several times a day. Your favorite toy right now is your monkey blankie. You love to rub it on your face and suck on the corners. It’s quite soggy and a little gross. Good thing I bought a couple to spare so I can rotate them in and out of laundry. I hope you have a happy three month birthday today. I love you very much, baby girl.
And all this time, I thought she really loved the dangling sun rattle on her Baby Einstein Mat. When I saw her grab the sun and look a little frustrated, I though I would try something else. I moved the sun, and she got really excited. I think all this time she’s been trying to get it out of the way so she can see herself in the mirror better.
Of course she really went to town on the spinning toy after I stopped filming her.
Izzy loves her new fish rattle that we picked up last week. Best 25 cents I ever spent at Ikea.
Before I go grocery shopping, I try to make a list of meals I plan to cook for the next week or two, and use the recipes for the foundation of my shopping list. Having a list makes sure I buy only what I need and nothing more. With the rising costs of food these days, it is really important to stay on track while at the grocery store. With that said, I DO put cookies and ice cream on the list so that they are not impulse buys. 😉
Here’s what’s cooking at the Harris House over the next two weeks:
Monday: Tacos and Refried Beans
Tuesday: Tamale Pie
Wednesday: Tilapia, Israeli Couscous with spinach Oops, forgot to defrost the fish. Will swap with Friday’s dinner plan.
Thursday: Tamale Pie leftovers
Friday: Veggie Hot Dogs, Baked Beans
Saturday: Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans
Sunday: Chicken and Biscuits
Monday: Spinach Lasagna
Tuesday: Veggie Chili Dogs
Wednesday: Enchiladas
Thursday: Spaghetti and Veggie Meatballs, Broccoli
Friday: Frozen Burritos
Saturday: Halibut
Sunday: Soup and Sandwiches