All of Peanut’s clothes have been washed and sorted by size. We have a ton of NB-3 mos., 3-6 mos., 6-9 mos., and 12+ mos. How in the world did we skip 9-12 mos.?
All of Peanut’s clothes have been washed and sorted by size. We have a ton of NB-3 mos., 3-6 mos., 6-9 mos., and 12+ mos. How in the world did we skip 9-12 mos.?
Ironically, we were in the same position a year ago! We had tons of everything except 9-12 mo clothing. Couldn’t really find any, either- I’m not sure they really MAKE a lot of 9-12mo clothes – we’re at almost 11 months and Devin’s either wearing his big 6=9 month clothes or his 12+ clothes right now, we’re mostly getting 12+ stuff now and making do with it.